Woody il papusareste pe Zelig, omul cameleon, care, in proximitatea unui mexican ii creste intantaneu sombrero pe cap si poncho pe umeri, ochii i se subtiaza in prezenta vreunui chinez, exemple sunt multiple pentru o larga paleta de rase si profesii. Iti dai seama ca va urma un film cu regizorul in rolul principal din urmatoarea replica debutanta, egocentrica, narcistica, pe care probabil o vom regasi candva intr-un documentar (real, de data asta) postum, memorialist inchinat lui woody: He was of course, very amusing… but at the same time touched a nerve in people… perhaps in a way in which they would prefer not to be touched.
Povestea este cat se poate de veridica desi subiectul e cat se poate de inexistent pe axa timpului fie si in punctele ei de suspensie. Este de-a dreptul uimitor, fascinant de seducator cum esti tras in acesta bildugstory atat de bine patinant si de convigator, incat abilitatile stranii ale curiosului domn Zelig ce tin de supranatural, mistic, spatiu intergalatic necunoscut, devin acolo o bifa neglijabila, o nota de subsol prea detaliata pentru a fi parcursa.
Pseudodocumentar in esenta, documentar cu acte in regula din punct de vedere compozitional, structural, testimoniale abracadabrant de realisime, o voce narativa senzationala, smulsa din alta epoca, text si metatext echilibrate la cantar, fotograme inteligent masluite, decupaje-inalbitor de materie cenusie, ce sa mai, un festin, o butada geniala, un experiment cu rezultate peste asteptari, un Woody de zile marete. Apropo de texte iata cateva mostre savuroase:
My brother beat me. My sister beat my brother. My father beat my sister and my brother
and me. My mother beat my father and my sister and me and my brother. The neighbors
beat our family. The people down the block beat the neighbors and our family.
I have this masturbation class.
If I’m not there,they start without me.
To the gentleman whose appendix I took out…
I don’t know what to say.
If it’s any consolation…
I may still have it somewhere around the house.
I’m 12 years old. I run into a Synagogue. I ask the Rabbi the meaning of life. He tells me
the meaning of life… But, he tells it to me in Hebrew. I don’t understand Hebrew. Then he
wants to charge me six hundred dollars for Hebrew lessons.
That Zelig could be responsible for the behavior of each of the personalities he assumed
means dozens of lawsuits. He is sued for bigamy, adultery, automobile accidents,
plagiarism, household damages, negligence, property damages, and performing
unnecessary dental extractions.
Multam. O sa-l caut. M-ai convins :))
RăspundețiȘtergereoh, my! my favourite Woody Allen! chiar ma gandeam sa-l revad zilele-astea.
RăspundețiȘtergerea perfect piece of mockumentary :)
trebuie sa-l vad neaparat.
RăspundețiȘtergeresi off topic - iti recomand L'Ilusionniste.
@marian daca te referi la cel de la animest am tot auzit numa' cuvinte de lauda despre el asa ca il adaug in catastifu' de must see :D
RăspundețiȘtergere@ thursday's child my favorite de la woody ar fi Match Point...e fascinant cum poate sa treaca de la mokumentar la dosto nowadays :D
RăspundețiȘtergereinainte de 'match point' a existat 'crimes & misdemeanors' - care e peste!
ps ma bucur k ti-a placut 'zelig', sper sa-ti plak si cartea... (ma rog, nu la fel de mult :))
dap, asa am auzit si eu, ca e superior, il trec in catastif :)