My life’s a movie, call me Martin Scorsese
ok pitbull, now gimme that sweet, that nasty goochi stuff :)) :
Got to her in to car, quit playin' with his,
like? Watch him make to movie like
Albert Hitchcock
bă pitbule mă dezamăgiși e Alfred, dar se iartă:P
ia mai zi
I party like a rockstar
Look like a movie star
Play like an all star
Fuck like a pornstar
Baby I'm a superstar
oh yeah, cinefil domne
u u si uite uite ce-am gasit pe net:
RăspundețiȘtergere"El Mariel", Pitbull's second album, was released in October 2006. The title was in reference to the boat that transported Cuban refugees to Florida in the movie "Scarface". He dedicated the album to his father, who died that year in May."
nu ti se pare uimitor sa tu ai ceva in comun cu pitbull, orice? isn't that amazing? barbara streisand
.. uuuu UUUUU uuuu Uu uuuu UUUuuuuu !!! :)))
RăspundețiȘtergerebey claudio ce research solid facusi, da, multe ma leaga de coada lu' pitbull :)) fiv-ar meldodia uber obsesiva de ras :P